Climbing That Ladder to Success
I found myself in a situation where I was no longer happy for settling for less in life than I felt I deserved. I started to realize i needed to take control upon things and take action. Many people myself included had several excuses to why their life wasn't going as they wished.It turned out that regardless of any wrongs I felt have been dealt my way in the past I was the only thing now stopping myself from getting better.
First Step Letting Go of the Past
So as I was saying we sometimes have excuses to justify our predicaments. Well unless you create a time machine you can forget about that shit. It is just a waste of time to cloud your mind and mood with bad feelings. I found that as I focus on what I want and positive things my mood and actually my life became.Martin Luther King said "I have a dream" not a nightmare. So if you want your life to be a nightmare think negative. If you want your life to be like a dream think positive.
Next Leave Those Behind That Don't Want to Keep Up
I see life like climbing a ladder. If your trying to climb you can't get anywhere with dead weight holding you down. On the other hand though you can follow others up the ladder and others can follow you but you must all carry your own weight. This means simply to cut negative people out of your life. Those who are not doing good at life and don't care to make some changes to help their situation will do nothing but suck you down. On the other hand if someone isn't doing as good as you are but have the willpower and positivity to do good its more than fine to help them. Also follow those who are doing as you want to. Its always good to look up to someone doing the things you wish you could. Gain wisdom and learn from their experience. You must be able to help yourself though. No matter how much I look up to someone they are not going to do my hard work for me.
Keep At It
Probably the biggest thing people do that stops them from succeeding is not putting forth a constant effort. Many will push really hard for something for a day and when they don't get instant gratification they just give up. I have been finding out that if I just keep trudging along at something even through times of slow progress it ends up paying off in the end. Determination is a principle that is key. Edison took 1001 tries to make the light bulb. If he wasn't determined we wouldn't be talking about him.
Remember Stay Positive Stay Determined and Always......
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