The Name above perplexes,
Our vaulted visions vex us.
The Dream told through the ages,
Torn out from modern pages.
Though its hidden sparks remain,
Guarded, by our greatest pains…

The Honey in the Pain…
As I took those bold first steps,
Did Dad catch me so I could rest?
Dare walk backwards from me!
That it was a test, I didn’t see.
Walking without thought,
Now realizing what I’ve got…

The Honey in the Pain…
You’ve stung me so much, I can’t fathom your touch.
But through it I’ll work, if you’re also willing to hurt.
‘Cause to talk brings it out, takes away our doubt,
Above-all we’re both here, despite common fears.
So this suffering has served its purpose,
The tears shed out, strengthened and conserved us…
The Honey in the Pain…

(Giphy #1, #2, #3.)
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Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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